Найприбутковіші акції тижня: КІНОПОСТЕРИ знижка -30 %

Співпрацюйте з нами

Become our partner and start making money!

We offer collaboration to creative artists who have something to offer, or to enterprising people who want to fill their social networks with content and earn some money in the process. Is that you?


Are you an artist who has a full drawer of photos or illustrations and wants to show them to the world?


Are you an influencer who wants to present our great products on social networks?


Or do you have a band and you want to sell your merchandise, but you don't know how?

1. Art Lab: For artists and photographers

Sell ​​your artworks at Art Lab! Online art selling platform by Europosters, where you can create a profile and sell your art!

Art Lab is a space for independent artists and photographers who want to show their art to the world for free and earn money by selling it!

Are you an artist looking for a place to sell your art? Join thousands of artists and open your online shop today!

What is the process?

  • Easy to register and upload your works
  • If you pass our curatorial selection, you win
  • Yoou have your profile and you can sell
  • Become a successful artist who is known!

Conditions of cooperation:

  • Royalty of 1 € for each sold artwork (with professionals by agreement)
  • 40% discount on printing your own products
  • 10% discount for your fans and friends with your affiliate code
  • artworks must meet the necessary quality parameters
  • you don't worry about anything, we take care of promotion, production and distribution! ♥️

For more information read our Art Lab Guide.

Sell your art

For any questions, please contact us at: [email protected]

Follow our Instagram: @europosters_artlab

2. For influencers and affiliate

Want to become an influencer but don't have enough followers yet? Do you like our products and would you like to introduce them to your friends and make some money? Or are you an interior designer looking for a meaningful collaboration?

Join our affiliate program and receive 8% commission on each customer order you bring to our website!

Why to become our ambassador?

  1. Join our influencers from all over Europe and help presenting our lovely stuff
  2. Choose the best products in our e-shop and get a 20% discount on them
  3. Give a 10% discount to your friends or fans and earn 8% on every order back

Become a partner


Are you an influencer with an above average fan base? Do you follow Instagram for a living? Do you have a creative soul or a geek soul? Do you like our brand and want to be a part of it?

Contact us at [email protected] and we can discuss further options. ♡

3. For bands and other brands

Are you a band or other artistic group?  Do you have your own posters or other merch giveaways but don't know where to offer them?

At Posters.eu, we're really good with posters and giveaways and welcome anyone who wants to join us with their brand.

Why to sell your merch with us?

  • We are the largest retailer of posters and licensed merchandise gifts in the Czech Republic,
    operating throughout Europe – over 500,000 customers buy from us annually
  • We offer a wide range of printing options
  • We make it completely hassle-free – we handle presentation, printing and logistics for you
  • Provide a 10% discount for all your fans
  • By working with us, you will earn €1 from every piece you sell (with professionals, by agreement).

Sign up and we will come up with a tailor-made product offer for you. :)

Become a partner


If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected]

4. For B2B partners

Would you like to expand your offer with new products that will attract movie, music and computer game lovers? Treat your customers with the best posters and other licensed gifts directly from the professionals!

The 3 main reasons to work with Europosters:

  1. Attractive and licensed designs
  2. Quality product and a favourable margin
  3. Cross-selling and upselling opportunities

For more information, contact us at [email protected] and we'll work something out together!

EuropostersСтворюю свій світ

Починаючи з 1999 року Europosters стали одними із провідних продавців плакатів, шпалер та картин. Зараз ми співпрацюємо з художниками, фотографами та графічними дизайнерами з усієї Європи. У нашій пропозиції Ви можете знайти найкращі відомі картини, а також абсолютно нові твори сучасних художників. Наша мета – задовільнити очікування навіть найвибагливіших клієнтів. Ми раді надрукувати Ваші власні фотографії, і, за Вашим бажанням, помістити їх у високоякісні рамки. Ми захоплюємося різними стилями дизайну інтер’єру, але і не забуваємо про прихильників та шанувальників музики, для яких постійно розширюємо свою пропозицію плакатів, кухлів, футболок, колекційних статуеток та інших ліцензованих товарів та подарунків.

© 1999–2025 Europosters. Всі права захищені.
